Men’s results 25/8/24.
Despite the very poor weather there was a large entry for this weekend’s competition sponsored by Stapleton’s Expert Electrical. The result is: 1st: John Wall (10) 39pts 2nd: Michael O’Connell (16) 38pts b/d 3rd: Rae Gilmore (30) 38pts b/d Gross: Donal Cunningham (2) 32pts.

This coming Wednesday is our last Open Day for this season…. an 18 hole singles stableford.

Next weekend is our Captain’s Prize.
To start off, we are having a 9 Hole 3 ball Scramble on Friday evening….. everyone welcome to this social event. The Captain’s Prize itself is a 27 hole Stroke…. with the top 27 players qualifying for the final nine on Sunday evening. (The final nine holes will be 1 to 3 and 13 to 18). Timesheet is now open.

Ladies results:
Ladies Results Stapleton Expert Electrical 25th August 24
1st Valerie McGrath (31) 41 pts 2nd Evelyn Ronayne (29) 40 pts 3rd Jennifer Steede Duffy (31) 39 pts

Wednesday 9 Hole Comp 1st Sally Mc Hugh 18 Pts.

There were no winners of our lotto jackpot worth €9,500. Numbers drawn were 10, 12, 16, 20. Congratulations to Michael Brannelly who was our lucky dip winner.