Club Noticeboard
Lotto Results for July 23 Tuam Golf Club
Numbers drawn were 7, 13, 22, 27. No winner. Lotto Jackpot €9600. Lucky Dip Winner - Virgie McGrath. Lotto tickets are available for weekly draw at the bar or in the pro shop. Simply put [...]
Noticeboard 20 July 2020 for Tuam Golf Club
More than 100 members played in the club competition at the weekend which is very encouraging to see and it is vital that this support continues. A total of four players came in with 38 [...]
Lotto Results for July 16 Tuam Golf Club
Numbers drawn were 1, 3, 13, 28. No winner. Lotto Jackpot €9500. Lucky Dip Winner - Gerry Greaney c/o Tom Shaughnessy. Lotto tickets are available for weekly draw at the bar or in the pro [...]
Noticeboard 13 July 2020 for Tuam Golf Club
Weekly Am-Am With 60 teams taking part, scoring was really good in the club’s second am-am. Winners with an exceptional 105 points were Lady Captain Ann Higgins, long hitting Maria Coen and husband Mike Coen. [...]
Noticeboard 6 July 2020 for Tuam Golf Club
There was a huge entry for the first of four planned midweek team tourneys. With the entire course in immaculate condition scoring was high and none better than John Ger Davin, John Tobin, and John [...]
Noticeboard 29 June 2020 for Tuam Golf Club
As we have entered another phase of easing of restrictions, Competitions can now begin. For the next four weeks from Monday - Thursday we are running an am am with teams of three consisting of [...]