Club Noticeboard
Lotto Results – 5 April 2017
Lotto Jackpot 11,000 euro. There was no winner. Numbers drawn were 4, 22, 29, 30. No winner. Next weeks jackpot €11,100. Lucky Dip winners Dylan & Faye Moran, John Mahon, Katrina Kavanagh.
Noticeboard 3-April-2017
Johnny Ryan Photography was the sponsor of this week's mens and ladies competition. Congratulations to Neilus Buckley and Breege Finnerty who will have two of Johnny's lovely pictures going to their home. MEN'S 1st Neilus [...]
Lotto Results – 29 March 2017
Lotto Jackpot 10,900 euro. There was no winner. Numbers drawn were 7, 16, 19, 29. No winner. Next weeks jackpot €11,000. Lucky Dip winners Sean Byrnes, Pat Quinn, Dave Mahon.
Noticeboard 27-Mar-2017
Both the weather and the golf were hot this weekend with Michael Mulryan scoring a brilliant 43 points which included an eagle at the second hole. Great scoring in the first sponsored competition . Thanks [...]
Lotto Results – 22 March 2017
Lotto Jackpot 10,700 euro. There was no winner. Numbers drawn were 5, 8, 17, 20. No winner. Next weeks jackpot €10800. Lucky Dip winners Michael Cullen, Dylan Moran, Tom McHugh.
Noticeboard 20-Mar-2017
St Patrick's week end may have been a wet one but the sun came out on Sunday afternoon and over 60 golfers took part in the fun scramble. Young Ciaran McGrath led in the front [...]